(Photo by Leonard Ortiz, Orange County Register/SCNG) Perhaps by now you’ve heard, there’s a rampant South American Theft Ring wrecking havoc in wealthy areas all over the country, with Southern California, from San Diego to Ventura, being hit particularly hard. Our owner, Shep Bryan, chatted on the topic with KTLA5 and the OC Register over the weekend. Read the full OC Register article here. Now dubbed “tourist burglars”, groups of 4-8 men travel from South America on tourist visas after being trained for speed and efficiency. These burglaries typically last just 5 mins. They stake
Did you know that there are no rules or laws requiring banks to reimburse customers if valuables in their “safe” deposit boxes are stolen or destroyed? According to The New York Times, “There are no federal laws governing the boxes; no rules require banks to compensate customers if their property is stolen or destroyed.” There are countless stories of banks losing customer’s boxes and contents. This isn’t the type of theft that’s easily taken care of in court either. It’s rare that those who’ve been stolen from are compensated much, if any. The banks have
According to the FBI crime statistics, a burglary occurs somewhere in the U.S. every 15.4 seconds, and 87% of those burglaries are considered to have been preventable. So what can you do to best be prepared?