Showroom Hours: Tuesday - Friday 9am-5pm | Saturday: 10am - 3pm | Sunday & Monday: Closed

The Best Location for Your Home Safe

The Best Location for Your Home Safe

Home safes are a great way to protect your valuables. Where you put your security safe is an important component of the security it will offer. But, there is not one best place. The placement decision should be based on the contents and how frequently you want access to them, the type of safe and how heavy the safe is. Security safes that hold frequently accessed items should be placed as close to the point of use as possible. The safe won’t offer you much protection if you don’t use it because it isn’t convenient.

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Financial Market Got You Worried?

Financial Market Got You Worried?

The news is buzzing about failing banks and financial institutions and many of us are worried about how all of this will affect us.At Maximum Security Safes we have had a sharp rise in the number of people calling and coming in to our “safe” showroom to purchase burglar and fire resistant safes.If you are like these people then you may be considering reducing your exposure at the bank by taking your security into your own hands. Good quality home safes are very affordable.If you are looking for a high security safe to secure cash

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Steel Prices Soar Almost 50% This Year

Steel Prices Soar Almost 50% This Year

If you follow the news you most certainly have heard of the sharply rising steel prices.The Herald Tribune reports that indeed these prices have risen almost 50% this year and are expected to continue to do so – due to the rising price of raw materials and the increase in global demand.These prices are passed down through the distribution chain and ultimately lead to higher prices for the consumer. Given that steel is a major element in the production of safes our industry is feeling a direct impact.Manufacturers are raising prices.Already since December of 2007

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