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Time to Upgrade Your Home Safe to a Digital Lock?

Time to Upgrade Your Home Safe to a Digital Lock?

Do you have a home safe or gun safe with a mechanical lock? You know it’s time to upgrade to a digital lock when: You need to find your glasses before you can run the combo. A flashlight must be found and used to dial the combo. You lose count while dialing and have to run the combo 3 times before getting it right. You have to pay a locksmith the big bucks to change the combination because you gave it to a friend or family member and now wish you hadn’t. Your spouse closes

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What’s the “BEST” Jewelry Safe?

What’s the “BEST” Jewelry Safe?

The one that has room for everything you want to protect, safely and conveniently. The one that looks the way you want it to look. The one that fits where you want to put it. The one that keeps out the bad guy who is stupid enough to break into your home. The one that protects your valuables from fire until the crew puts it out. The one that fits your budget. Preparation will help you get the right jewelry safe for your needs. Before you go shopping take a mental if not paper inventory

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The Best Location for Your Home Safe

The Best Location for Your Home Safe

Home safes are a great way to protect your valuables. Where you put your security safe is an important component of the security it will offer. But, there is not one best place. The placement decision should be based on the contents and how frequently you want access to them, the type of safe and how heavy the safe is. Security safes that hold frequently accessed items should be placed as close to the point of use as possible. The safe won’t offer you much protection if you don’t use it because it isn’t convenient.

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Gun Safe Buyer – How Big Should You Go?

Gun Safe Buyer – How Big Should You Go?

A common complaint of folks who have purchased a gun safe is they wish they bought a bigger one. Home safes are like closets, we fill them up quickly. Most folks will keep their security safe for a very long time, in fact your safe may very well out-live you. Security safes don’t wear out, they just get too small. To make the most of your investment, buy your home safe at least one size bigger than you think you need. Most of us are concerned about cost. What you will likely find is that

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Sad Story of a Home Security Safe Buyer

Sad Story of a Home Security Safe Buyer

Sean was in our store today looking at safes for home. After two bad experiences with home security safes from big box stores he has learned the hard way. The first security safe was too light weight and not bolted down; it was carried off by burglars with the wife’s jewelry and all their important papers inside while he and his family slept undisturbed upstairs. The second home security safe was larger and heavier, but not very good quality. Two months after the one-year warranty expired the handle malfunctioned. After several phone conversations with the

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