Showroom Hours: Tuesday - Friday 9am-5pm | Saturday: 10am - 3pm | Sunday & Monday: Closed

Our high security safes earned the UL TL15, TL30 or TL30x6 burglar resistive labels having withstood severe attacks by UL experts using powerful tools such as power saws and drills, carbide disc cutters, industrial grinders, sledgehammers, etc. These safes also carry the manufacturer’s 2-hour 350 degree F fire certificate. They are the ideal safe to protect high value items like jewelry, coins and other collectibles, cash, guns, important documents and other precious and valuable items. And, it is more affordable than you might think! Having installed 100’s of high security safes, Maximum Security is experienced and ready to consult with you to determine the best location and manage the logistics of installing your high security vault. Delivery and installation of the larger high security safes can be a significant job, email or call us to discuss these details.