A six-year-old boy found a loaded shot gun under his parent’s bed. His older brother, 12 years of age, saw the younger brother and attempted to take the gun away. The gun accidentally went off critically injuring the younger boy. Why wasn’t this gun securely stored in a gun safe?
These stories are in the news much too often. While this time the setting is Salinas, CA, similar situations occur in cities all across the country, more often than we want to imagine. Adding to the tragedy is the possibility that one or both of these parents could be criminally charged and if convicted and given the maximum penalty could spend three years in prison.
According to the law, a person commits the crime if any loaded firearms are kept around the premises with the knowledge that it is likely within reach of children and could cause them death or great bodily injury. An inexpensive but effective gun safe could have made all the difference for this family.
This heartbreaking situation is completely avoidable. Guns should be kept securely in a gun safe, especially a loaded gun. There is no reason it should be unsecured and within reach of a child, or any unauthorized individual for that matter. In this case the local police department even provides free gun locks, but these parents didn’t take advantage of the offer.
Police departments across the country offer similar gun-safety recommendations:
- Properly store firearms in locked containers (gun safes).
- If possible, make sure stored guns are unloaded.
- Be sure you speak to your children about safe handling of guns and the dangers they pose.
For information about how you can protect your guns call or visit Maximum Security Safes today!
Maximum Security Safes
(800) 538-0600