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Top burglary headlines over the past few months:

And the list goes on! Although it will be awhile before we see actual stats for the current year, one fact is stunning: According to the FBI crime statistics, a burglary occurs somewhere in the U.S. every 15.4 seconds, and 87% of those burglaries are considered to have been preventable. So what can you do to best be prepared? To help with your home security, we’ve come up with some easy burglar entry protection tips to start implementing at your home right away.

  1. Invest in a single or double cylinder deadbolt lock. Since 34% of burglars enter right through the front door, according to, it’s worth it to make sure your lock is not easily defeated. A spring latch lock is not appropriate for exterior doors, so if you have one, change it.
  2. Know your door. Your exterior doors should be metal, solid wood, or solid core. If they are not, they should at the very least be reinforced with wood or metal. Visit a hardware store for more helpful details.
  3. Secure your windows. The second popular entry method, after the front door, is a first-floor window, but you might as well properly secure all your windows. There are multiple ways to do this, but first ask yourself: Do I need to be able to open this window all the way? If not, then you can install a glass block, so windows can only be opened 6 inches or so. If you want full access to your window, install security grilles or bars that can only be opened from the inside.

If you have more helpful burglar prevention and home security tips, please share, and check back next week for a complete Home Security Audit Checklist!

For more info on burglar prevention, check out:



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