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Sometimes life gets crazy and you don’t realize it’s Valentine’s Day until you look at your phone and see it says February 14th. If that’s you and you still need a gift, we’ve got some easy DIY ideas that’ll have your Valentine’s heart overflowing.

DIY Valentine’s Gifts: #1 Handmade Coupons

What better gift to give than acts of love? The idea here is to create “coupons” your valentine can use over the next few months. These aren’t coupons to Nordstrom. These are redeemable for services you personally will provide, like a foot massage or a night of binging her/his favorite show that you can’t stand. Other suggestions include back massage, home-cooked dinner, car wash, and breakfast in bed.

#2 Pamper Basket

Who doesn’t love at home pampering? It’s cost-efficient, you don’t have to get dressed and it’s not contingent on someone else’s availability. The idea behind this one is to gather a number of little items synonymous with “self-care” and put them in a basket or gift bag. While this involves going to a store, you can buy all of it in one place, Target, and they are everywhere.

What to include:
• Face Masks – Target, Cost Plus World Market, Sephora, Ulta
• Bath Bomb – Target, Cost Plus World Market, Sephora, Ulta
• Fuzzy Socks – Target
• Gift Bag or Basket – Target, Cost Plus World Market
• Bow (for the Gift Bag/Basket) – Target, Cost Plus World Market
• Bonus: Eucalyptus branches – flower shop, farmers markets, most grocery stores

#3 Flowers + Surprise Love Letters

The key to our DIY Valentine’s gifts is not buying a Valentine’s Day card from the store. Think back to high school when you’d write your crush a love note on a piece of notebook paper and slip it into their locker.

With this, you want to write one love letter as well as 5-10 mini love notes. You’ll give your valentine the love letter and flowers when you celebrate and hide the love notes around the house, in their car, the fridge, medicine cabinet, car sun visor, anywhere they will come across them over time. This is a gift that keeps on giving.

Have fun with this! Let yourself feel the love you felt when the two of you first got together. Channel that young love passion and you can’t go wrong!

Happy Valentine’s Day!


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