Showroom Hours: Tuesday - Friday 9am-5pm | Saturday: 10am - 3pm | Sunday & Monday: Closed

What’s the “BEST” Jewelry Safe?

What’s the “BEST” Jewelry Safe?

The one that has room for everything you want to protect, safely and conveniently. The one that looks the way you want it to look. The one that fits where you want to put it. The one that keeps out the bad guy who is stupid enough to break into your home. The one that protects your valuables from fire until the crew puts it out. The one that fits your budget. Preparation will help you get the right jewelry safe for your needs. Before you go shopping take a mental if not paper inventory

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Luxury Jewelry Safes – 5 Things to Look For

Luxury Jewelry Safes – 5 Things to Look For

Where do you keep your jewelry?  If you are like many folks it’s in a bedroom or bathroom drawer, crammed in a too small jewelry box, or laying on your bathroom counter.  Maybe you are tricky, and even hide some special pieces in places a burglar would “never find”, or so you hope. It’s not worth it.  The risk of your jewelry, with precious memories attached, left vulnerable to burglary and fire, just doesn’t make sense.  The thought, it would never happen to me, only works for so long.  The effort and investment required to

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