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AMSEC WFS149E5LP Fireproof Wall Safe

Price : Original price was: $825.00.Current price is: $618.75.

None Eva-dry Dehumidifier E-333 +$35.00 Eva-dry Dehumidifier E-500 +$46.00

AMSEC WFS149E5 Standard Features

• UL Listed one-hour fire rating, ensuring the inside temperature never exceeded 350° F (paper chars at 450°F)
• Extra deep interior, with one (1) convenient drawer shelf
• UL certified Type 1 ESL5LP electronic lock
• One side locking live action locking bolt
• Two ½” solid steel deadbolts
• Impressive 1/2″ thick door with attractive Black Granite finish


• 1 Year Manufacturer’s Warranty


AMSEC’s WFS149E5LP 1-Hour Fire Resistant Wall Safe

If you are looking for a fire resistant wall safe don’t waste any more time, you have found it here. To our knowledge the WFS149E5LP is the 1-hour fire resistant wall safe on the market today. Don’t take our word for it ask UL, they have independently verified the fire resistance of this safe.

The WFS149E5LP also stands out for it’s UL certified Type 1 electronic lock. We refer to UL a lot with this safe because we believe in the value of independent verification. There are a lot of safes out there that provide a false sense of security. Know what you are buying, it’s your valuables at risk.

UL tests for fire resistance by placing probs inside the safe, top, middle and bottom and quickly heating up the safe in a furnace to 1700°F external temperature and watching to see how long the probs register below 350°F. Once the temperature crosses that mark the text is over. As a result we have verified evidence that the WFS149E5LP provides 1 hour of fire protection with exterior temperatures to 1700°F.

But, take note, fire resistance takes space. This safe will not fit in a standard 4” wall depth. You will need a location that has at least 11-1/2” of open space behind the wall. Total depth on this safe is 15-3/8”.

As with AMSEC’s other wall safes, the WFS149E5LP installs easily between standard 16” on center studs. Mounting hardware is included. No worries when the dry wall is cut as it has a built-in flange that covers up any unevenness. No paint touchups or dry wall repairs needed!

Having trouble determining which is the best safe for your needs? That’s what we are here for, give us a call and one of our Safe Experts would be happy to help. Call 800.538.0600.