Showroom Hours: Tuesday - Friday 9am-5pm | Saturday: 10am - 3pm | Sunday & Monday: Closed

President Obama: Salesman of the Year for Firearms & Ammunition

President Obama: Salesman of the Year for Firearms & Ammunition

President Obama probably doesn’t want to be thought of as one who encourages a gun and ammo buying spree. In reality this surge in sales isn’t personal. Media outlets suggest that election years tend to see increases in firearms sales. In turn, sales of gun safes increase as well. Once again, fear sells. Folks all across the country are already afraid of what’s happening with the economy. As we approach the election that is compounded with a fear of the “what if”. What if, Obama is reelected and we loose our gun rights? Already gun

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The Best Location for Your Home Safe

The Best Location for Your Home Safe

Home safes are a great way to protect your valuables. Where you put your security safe is an important component of the security it will offer. But, there is not one best place. The placement decision should be based on the contents and how frequently you want access to them, the type of safe and how heavy the safe is. Security safes that hold frequently accessed items should be placed as close to the point of use as possible. The safe won’t offer you much protection if you don’t use it because it isn’t convenient.

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Keeping Guns Safe and Accessible

Keeping Guns Safe and Accessible

We are blessed to live in a country where we have so much freedom, but with freedom comes responsibility.  If you own, or plan to own a hand gun, rifle, or any type of firearm it is your responsibility to secure it.  Gun safes provide peace of mind that your gun will not be discovered by a child or stolen and used in a future crime. Securing your firearm does not mean it can’t be easily and quickly accessible. The critical components to assuring quick access to your firearms are: locating the gun safe near

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